Exploring the Different Models of Residential Respite Care under NDIS

Respite care is a short-term support service that provides temporary relief for caregivers of people with disabilities. It can be provided in various settings including:

·        Person’s home

·        Residential facility

·        community-based program

The Australian government scheme, NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme), offers respite care for disabled people. There are a number of different models of respite care available. The most appropriate model depends on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Different Models of NDIS Respite Care

·        Short-term accommodation: It is typically provided for a few days or weeks but can also be extended if required.

·   Community-based respite: This is typically provided in settings such as community centers, day programs, and social support groups.

·     Residential respite: This is a good option for people who want to remain in their familiar surroundings and who do not need the level of support provided by short-term accommodation or community-based respite.

·        Emergency respite: It is provided in a situation when the caregiver is unable to care for the person with a disability.

How do I choose the right model of respite care?

When choosing respite care, it is essential to consider the following factors:

·        What level of support does the person need?

·        What kind of environment are they most comfortable in?

·        What kind of respite would be most helpful for caregivers?

·        The availability of respite care in the local area

Respite care can be a valuable support for people with disabilities and their caregivers. It can provide a break from the demands of caring for a person with a disability and allow the caregiver to recharge and relax. If you are considering residential respite care, you can visit myRespiteAccom to get an NDIS planner and learn about eligibility.
